Are you ready for better sleep, more energy, less inflammation, and a boosted immune system? Now is the time to focus on YOU! It’s 14 days (Reset will run from August 12-25 ✨) of holding each other accountable to what we set out to do:

What is it? Reset will run from August 12-25 ✨
Every Day for 2 weeks you will do the following:
1- we will be drinking our vitamins! 🍒
2- we will be drinking half our body weight in water, in ounces, daily
3- we will be walking 10k steps a day
4- we will be eating clean – whatever this looks like to you!

use code SHAREYL for 10% off!

Join our IG THREAD for the reset here!! Free to join and will have daily prompts and encouragement. The reset kit is recommended to join but all are welcome.

So excited to do this together!! Shoot me a message on instagram with any questions you have! You do not have to have the kit to join the thread but it will massively boost your overall wellness so I highly encourage ordering it!
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